My First Teachers Pay Teachers Item is....

I always wondered why I would need a paper gradebook when my school system has an online gradebook. I refuse to buy one, even now, but I LOVE having a paper gradebook around. I don't keep it because I am afraid of technology failing me. I keep in on my clipboard and use it for everything and it is great because I cannot hold my computer and carry it around with me to take grades.. It is a great way to keep up with the quick grading and the kids get to keep their papers for instant feedback for home. I then can record their grades online at a later time and keep instruction flowing.
I have a few freebies on my teachers pay teacher (TpT) site now. Check them out along with this editable freebie goody!!
Check out the link below for the freebie!!
Thanks for stopping by!
Thank you so much for giving me an editable gradebook. I too like to have a portable hard copy.