How I Run my Station/Small Group Time and a Perfect Activity for Phoneme Segmentation!!
I like to have activities for my students to do that are easy, fun, and (most importantly) educational. You could use elkonin boxes as a station but I liked to use them as an early finisher activity for my students to go to when they were done with their work or station. Let me explain how I did that.
This is how I ran small group and stations in my classroom:
1. Each student was given seatwork to complete before going to their station. I do not have the teacher listed as a station, so this gives me time to run stations and give them plenty of work to keep them busy.
a. The seat work typically went with the lesson
b. Sometimes I gave out more than one thing of seat work.
c. The seat work was sometimes skills based, like phonics practice or
spelling practice.
2. I have a station rotation chart on the wall so students know where to go or what materials to bring back to their desks. The students would turn in their seat work and then go to their station.
a. I like to keep stations generic, changing only the words or skill but
keeping the station the same so I do not have to do a lot of
explaining each week.
b. I also like to try to find stations that can be completed multiple
times or take a while to complete.
3. When a student does finish their station I like to have "early finisher buckets" for them to take back to their seat or a quiet place in the room.
a. These activities can range but are usually a little more fun but
(This was a simple outline of my station/small group time. If you have questions please feel free to comment below or email me!
2 Examples of an Elkonin Box Freebie from Teacher's Notebook (Link Below) |
Elkonin Boxes were a favorite early finisher activity in my classroom. Elkonin Boxes have a picture and then boxes below the picture. There are enough boxes for each sound the word has. I stuck to CVC, CCVC or CVCC words with my students since this was an activity they did by themselves. I have included a picture of a freebie I found and I put the link below so you can grab the freebie!
I gathered as many freebie boxes as I could find and printed them out on printer paper and then laminated them at school. (Check Pinteret for more freebies, I found TONS on there!!) I cut out each one and then put them in a basket with dry erase markers. When you laminate them, they can write on them with dry erase markers and then erase it and use the box over and over again. Magic erasers help with the marker that is hard to erase. I try to stay away from marker colors that stain like red, orange and pink. Stick to black, blue and green. They tend to wipe away better.
The laminated boxes can last a while but I usually made new ones each school year.
The students then use the marker to write the letter they hear when they sound out the word. This helps the child with so many helpful reading, writing and handwriting skills all in one simple activity!
This is also a perfect small group idea and you could teach it as a small group idea and then put it in the basket for them to complete after they know what to do.
I typically had 2 markers in a bucket so that 2 students could be at the buckets at one time. I do not like a lot of noise during small group so I limit the students that can use certain materials and activities. You can also make more buckets or make enough so that you can put one at each table group you have in your room.
I hope this helps!!
Come back for more activities, ideas and freebies!
Wacky West (Melisa)
Here is the link for a freebie!!!!!