Friday, November 11, 2016

Pencil War

Are Your Students Eating Pencils?

Some years my students were very good at keeping up pencils. One year I went through pencils like air. I did not know what to do. I talked it over with other teachers, changed pencil policy a bunch of times and turned to Pinterest until I ran into this little gem that SAVED MY LIFE! 

This poster said it all - it was a WAR and I wanted to WIN! This was put together by "The Wise Owl" on TpT and her name couldn't be any better, she is very wise! What is even better, this idea is FREE!!

It is simple and she has it all laid out in her packet on TpT. Click the link here to download.

Here is a little about the plan - 

Items you will need: 
             1. Pencils (yellow/regular colored pencils)
             2. Pink Erasers (one for each student)
             3. Pencil Bags/Pouches*
             4. Prizes**

*I just buy cheap pencil pouches when they go on sale in the summer before school begins. I stock up so I have enough for the school year and extras for new students. 

**Prizes can be fun pencils and erasers, stickers, wrapped candy like a starburst, etc. I have used treasure box slips as a prize. 

Set up is easy. Use a sharpie to write the name of the student on the bag. Fill with the same amount of pencils in each bag and one pink eraser. She suggests 8 pencils. I have done 6 before and it worked out as well. 

Last, the rules. 
I give the students their pencils bags on Monday and they give the bags back, with all their pencils, on Friday. They must have all their pencils (in relatively good shape) and eraser on Friday to get a prize put in their bag. On Friday, I sharpen all the pencils, replaced old pencils if needed, and replace ones that are missing. It is okay if they have pencils missing, I just replace them, but they don't get a prize. THEY DO NOT GET TO SHARPEN PENCILS DURING THE WEEK. IF THEY BREAK A PENCIL, THEY GO TO THEIR BAG FOR A NEW ONE. 
I was hesitant about the limit but the kids keep up with them when they know they are going to be rewarded. I have never had a kid break all their pencils during one week. 

I have a cup in my room for "missing" pencils that we find on the floor. 

I also allow them to keep "special" pencils and erasers in their bag but they do not count towards their total of 8 yellow pencils. 


Check it out! 

Hope it helps you, like it helped me!

Melisa (Wacky West)

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